It is the worst feeling ever. Feeling like you are roasting in your prestigious BMW, VW or any other European model is a gross inconvenience. For others it is shaking from the cold very early in the morning. For all these woes, your heating and air conditioning are the culprits. Do not try to put up with this, as many auto owners would. Come to Hudson’s Euro Fix and we will fix everything for you. Our seasoned and certified experts know every bit of the auto heating and air conditioning system and they can spot a problem a mile away.
Experienced and trained experts for quality Heating & A/C Services
We have to be honest all the time, and now is such a time we do not lie to you or ourselves. Search around town and tell us how many European specialized repair shops you can count. Apart from us, you may come back empty handed. That’s the point. Not everyone out there can dare the sophistication that comes with European models. It is a job description that needs experience, training, and a mastery of the complex systems. At Hudsons Euro Fix, we are way beyond that. Our experts have earned the trust of our customers. There is never a challenge too big or too small for them. They descend on every problem with an open mind and ready to find a unique solution for it. We have made their work easy by providing the best tools and a facility equipped with modern technology. When you come to us, you are making the best choice for your ride because we do not only offer the best services but also use original parts.
A comprehensive inspection of your system is all you need
We are firm believers in prevention is better than cure. Look here, a pound of repairs will cost you ten times more of what an ounce of maintenance would. It does not take a genius to piece all these together. That is why we are proactive with maintenance and emphasize it to all our customers. To make sure we are drinking what we preach, our services prove just that:
- Compressor belt inspection
- Measuring air temperature inside the vents
- Examination of the blower and internal controls
- System’s pressure test
- Checking coolant’s quality and temperature
- Checking hoses for leaks
- Thermostat and radiator checks
BMW Loaner Vehicle and Shuttle Service
We offer a customer shuttle service to get you to work or back home while we are working on your vehicle. Need a car? Inquire about our loaner vehicle.

Return comfort to your Ride for all Seasons
You bought your British or German car for very obvious reasons. Above all, you needed comfort and above-average performance. Sweating or freezing while in your ride was not one of the promises you got when you opened your purse to make the purchase. It is time you let your car take good care of you. At Hudson’s Euto fix we are champions of comfort and functionality. We will fix your A/C and make it ready to face any weather. We are affordable, offer quality services, and will exceed your expectations. Put a stop to the heat or cold by entrusting your prestigious machine with the strongest hands and nimble fingers in Langley and beyond.