Porsche Service Langley: Recognizing Early Signs of Ignition Lock Failure

As a Porsche service provider in Langley, we want to help our Porsche drivers to recognize the early signs of ignition lock failure. These one-of-a-kind vehicles are beautiful to behold and amazing get behind the wheel of, but their undeniable reliability can come into question from time to time. Not being aware of what to look for could have you enduring an unwelcome interruption to your day – which Euro Fix is here to prevent!

When you notice something malfunctioning in your Porsche, it is important to have it looked at right away to prevent more costly concerns or breakdowns. Being aware of ignition lock failures is just one of the things you will want to tune into we’re happy to help with.

What is an Ignition Lock?

An ignition lock is the starting function of the car where you inset the key and mechanically start your Porsche.

Although many new models allow you to start your vehicle remotely or without using a key, many Porsche models still require a three-notch turn key mechanism.

What Causes Ignition Lock Failure?

As with any mechanical issue, there could be a variety of reasons behind ignition lock failure. Some of which include…

  • Wear and Tear
  • Bind Column Lock Issues
  • Damage to the Interlock Solenoid

Symptoms of Ignition Lock Failure

  • A delay in the vehicle starting; not connecting to your keys ‘prompt’
  • Troubles inserting or removing the key
  • The key getting ‘jammed’ and/or having difficulties removing the key from the ignition

Ways to Prevent Ignition Lock Failure

Although these types of parts often simply wear down over time, there are ways you can help to prevent this from happening prematurely – such as…

  • Keeping your key ring weight to a minimum
  • Ensuring your Porsche battery is in top working order

At Euro Fix Langley Porsche Repairs & Service, we perform various repairs ranging from engine, transmission, brakes and electrical systems, including all your Porsche maintenance requirements.

If you are concerned with your ignition lock, give us a call and allow us to take a look as your expert Porsche technicians who are happy to serve Porsche owners in Langley BC, New Westminster, Delta, and Surrey.

Schedule an appointment online or give us a call at 604-674-7665.